What is Depth-First Search (DFS)?
The Depth-First Search (DFS) algorithm is a graph traversal technique used to explore all the nodes and edges of a graph. It's commonly used in various applications, such as finding paths, detecting cycles, and solving puzzles.
Depth-First Search (DFS) explores a graph or tree by going as deep as possible along each branch before backtracking. It starts from a selected node (often called the "source" or "starting" node) and explores as far as possible along each branch before retreating.
Characteristics of DFS
Traversal Order: DFS explores nodes in a depthward motion, meaning it dives deep into a branch before moving to the next branch.
Data Structures: DFS can be implemented using a stack (either explicitly or via recursion).
Backtracking: When DFS reaches a node with no unexplored neighbors, it backtracks to the previous node to explore other paths.
Completeness: In a finite graph, DFS will visit all reachable nodes.
DFS Algorithm
Here is a step-by-step description of the DFS algorithm:
Mark all nodes as unvisited.
Use a stack (or recursion) to keep track of the nodes to be explored.
Start DFS:
Push the starting node onto the stack (or call the recursive function with the starting node).
While the stack is not empty (or recursion is ongoing):
Pop the top node from the stack (or the current node in recursion).
If the node has not been visited:
Mark it as visited.
Process the node (e.g., print its value).
Push all unvisited neighbors of the node onto the stack (or recursively call DFS for each unvisited neighbor).
Continue the process until the stack is empty (or the recursive calls complete).