Hello and welcome to The Code of Numbers Blog
I am an avid everything :-) But more appropriately, an avid learner of everything.
Please join me as I write on things that will take us on this exciting journey where Mathematics, Coding, and Algorithms come together to illuminate the fascinating world of problem-solving and computational thinking. Whether you’re a student or simply a curious mind, this blog is designed to be your go-to resource for exploring the intricacies of this vital fusion of computer science and mathematics.
Let me know what you think- is there an amalgamation of these fields? Are they interrelated? If yes, why and how? And if not, again, why and how? If you can frame it mathematically, even better :-)
I invite you all to comment, give your feedback and to educate me on any mistakes or mis interpretations. I am also happy to publish guest posts on related topics to further my learning! Please feel free to contact me: cpa_books@yahoo.com